Other Total Environments

Other Total Environments.

This is a section on qwufuaenvironment.com where other Total environments we have experienced, authors, and contributors posting their real-time work, from writings to other forms of art that they create will be included here.

To get information about them, contact info will be below their profiles, or you can get back to us if you wish to present or to get your work removed, contact the below email.


Contributions from Artists of like minds abiding by nature in all ways are highly appreciated and encouraged here.

Other Total Environments.

The Demented1

The Demented1

YouTube Channel; THE DEMENTED1

FaceBook; The Demented1

Twitter; The Demented1


The Demented1 is a show where your host Texxx interviews some of the most interesting people in the world. Texxx also has some great discussions with a third side perspective. Texxx has been a member of the Church of Satan since 2016.

Visit the links above for more information/contact the host.

Revenant Black

Mr. Revenant Black.

Website:  RevenantBlack.wordpress.com
E-mail: RevenantBlack@qwufuaenvironment.com

Author/Contributor at Qwufua Environment. The first post named Kaya GODOMA WITCH HUNTS is the first wonderful post for the Author to present to this environment in year 56 A.S

Visit the links above for more information about the Author.

Madame Hellshadow.

Madame Hellshadow.


Tools For Survival.

I am a college student majoring in computer programming. I write short stories, and poetry in my spare time. I am fascinated by the occult. I enjoy trying out different methods of divination. Sometimes I experiment with my own fortune-telling methods.

Thanks for the opportunity to write for your publication.

Visit the links above for more information about the Author.

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Qwufua Broomstick

About Me

Since I personally, am a writer/Artist. This environment most likely will ooze with writings and my learning, be it on art on Voodoo doll kind of art— as you have seen before or other kind of art that tickles my little dark heart. However, that will not stop some other brave artistic individuals who practice the art to the theme of this site, and to the other side they are my friends, some near others far more than you can expect. The most important thing is the art that oozes out of their work, it is tremendously awesome to me. If they give me a chance to experience their art and post some of it to you, that is what I am going to do immediately I finish enjoying their awesome projects. Hope you will notice the artistic intelligence they have, almost immediately. Discover Our Diabolical Creations

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